I have been interested in radio since I was a kid. My dad was a CB'er. I grew up on the CB and tried to study for my novice as a kid (thanks to my first elmer, N0PT, Pat Trabert (SK)), but it just wasn't the right time. Fast forward 30 years and now I have my Extra. I got back into the hobby because a good friend, NW0F and I wanted to be storm spotters. Now I have the radio bug.
After getting my Extra, I got an FT450AT and a G5RVjr just to try HF. Well, I am hooked on DX both SSB and Digital. I have now achieved the following awards:
Just a note about modest stations and the G5RVjr. A lot of folks have given me grief over those two short pieces of wire, but I have well over 2,000 contacts with over 1200 confirmations on all bands 160-6. I think the highest I ever had it is about 25 feet at the center. Is it the best? No, it is a compromise. However I do all I want with a 100 W FT-450, MFJ 949E tuner, the G5RVjr and a Signalink for digital. It doesn't take big bucks to have big fun in this hobby. So get what you can and learn how to make the most of what you have.
I am a member of the follow organizatons:
I am married and have a daughter in high school and two stepsons who are both US Marines. One is stationed at Camp Lejeune and the other is finishing his inactive reserve and attending Texas Tech.
I gladly QSL via Mail, LOTW, eQSL.cc, Clublog and Bureau
After getting my Extra, I got an FT450AT and a G5RVjr just to try HF. Well, I am hooked on DX both SSB and Digital. I have now achieved the following awards:
- DXCC Mixed and Phone - June 2014
- WAS Mixed and Phone - March 2012
- WAC Mixed and Phone - June 2014
- eQSL eDX 50 - March 2013
- eWAS Mixed - September 2012
- ePFX300 - April 2014
- I also am eligible for CQWPX mixed and sideband but have not applied.
- I am still working on my eDX100 and eZ40 from eQSL.cc.
Just a note about modest stations and the G5RVjr. A lot of folks have given me grief over those two short pieces of wire, but I have well over 2,000 contacts with over 1200 confirmations on all bands 160-6. I think the highest I ever had it is about 25 feet at the center. Is it the best? No, it is a compromise. However I do all I want with a 100 W FT-450, MFJ 949E tuner, the G5RVjr and a Signalink for digital. It doesn't take big bucks to have big fun in this hobby. So get what you can and learn how to make the most of what you have.
I am a member of the follow organizatons:
- Hood County Amateur Radio Club
- Ten-Ten International
- SKCC (Still Learning. Any Elmers?)
- I am active in the Hood County Texas RACES, ARES and SKYWARN. In the past I have served as Ellis County Texas ARES Emergency Coordinator and SKYWARN coordinator. I have participated in both community service and emergency activations as the primary net control.
I am married and have a daughter in high school and two stepsons who are both US Marines. One is stationed at Camp Lejeune and the other is finishing his inactive reserve and attending Texas Tech.
I gladly QSL via Mail, LOTW, eQSL.cc, Clublog and Bureau